Howard The Duck

What really can one say about Howard The Duck? Released in the mid-1980s by George Lucas (though he neither produced, wrote or directed, with his American Graffiti collaborators Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz taking on those duties) after his ground breaking run of Star Wars and Indiana Jones and based on a Marvel Comics character... Continue Reading →

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Over the last decade and a half or so I have, to a greater or lesser extent, enjoyed every entry into what's become the Marvel Cinematic Universe form Iron Man to Avengers: Endgame, so, when Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse landed in 2019 I really wasn't sure what to make of it, and that's probably why... Continue Reading →

Ghost Rider – Extended Cut (2007)

After watching Daredevil the other night I thought I’d revisit another of the more obscure Marvel characters who have appeared on film in the last decade in the form of flame-skulled spirit of vengeance, Ghost Rider. Unlike Daredevil, which I still really enjoy as a film, my previous viewing of Ghost Rider had, while enjoyable,... Continue Reading →

Captain America (1990)

One of Marvel’s earlier attempts to bring their heroes to the big screen fails on pretty much all counts and shows why it took another 20 years to make its way back. In the late 1970s, through the 80s and into the early 90s, while DC Comics were turning their big superhero characters into multimillion-dollar... Continue Reading →

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